Epic Tales

Stories are fun, inspiring, and a proven tool for enhancing education. That’s why we are honoured and delighted to be partnering with Epic Tales to bring you a special programme on this Children’s Stage at the World Storytelling Café.

Every Monday of term time at 9:30am, we broadcast the beginning of a folk tale that is sure to enthral, delight, and inspire your young learners. Before we share the ending, though, we set them an “Epic Challenge”. Their engagement with the story will see them rushing to complete the task—while YOU can be sure several literacy outcomes are being hit at the same time…

But that’s not all. Follow the link to the story’s page at Epic Tales for more learning resources, including a podcast in which a panel of teachers discuss the multitude of other learning outcomes in the story—including PSHCE, science, and numeracy!

If you send your young learners’ responses to our challenges , they may be featured in our broadcast on term-time Fridays at 4pm, during which we also share the end of that week’s story. We also broadcast at 4pm on Mondays with an “Enhanced Telling” especially designed to broaden your young learners’ vocab—and often featuring guest storytellers from elsewhere at the Café!

Don’t forget to explore the Schedule of amazing storytellers programmed to tell here at the Café, as well as our archive of more than a hundred storytellers and poets from around the world. Immerse your young learners in stories, and watch their minds grow!