Epic Tales Online: Brer Bunny and the Tar Bunny

November 16, 2020 9:30 am

In the UK, a week in November is given to discuss bullying. Stories provide a safe space to explore this sensitive topic, and none moreso than the "origin" story of southern US folklore's undisputed hero! But at the start of this story, Brer Bunny (aka Brer Rabbit) doesn't seem all that heroic... To hear the end of this tale, your young learners will need to complete our Epic Challenge – while hitting a Literacy objective at the same time! In this video, we ask them to write a letter to Brer Bunny as Tortoise, Wolf, or Bison. Plus: teachers and educators should check the Epic Learning Podcast at epictales.co.uk/story/tarbunny for tips on learning outcomes using this story – including numeracy, science, and PE.