Epic Tales: The Morpho Butterfly

Start time: October 5, 2020 2:00 pm BST

Our Enhanced Epics are especially designed for advancing readers. But note: we deliberately didn't say "advanced" – your young learners will enjoy these videos at any age from 7+, and will grow their vocabulary as they go! This week we welcome the rustically charming Gary Cordingley. Storyteller, with his adaptation of a Takuna folk tale from the Amazon Rainforest first collected by Aaron Shepard. Perhaps your young learners could use Gary's tale as inspiration for their forest poems asked for by Amy and Chip? Find the original Epic Challenge at epictales.co.uk/forestpoem There you'll also find a list of the new vocab used by Gary in this story. See how many new meanings your children picked up! Plus check the Epic Learning Podcast for teacher tips on other learning outcomes in this week's Epic double-act – including PSHCE, science, and even numeracy!