Jota Villaza (Jorge Ambrosio Villa Zapata) from Medellín, Colombia, has been a storyteller all his life. He often tells stories from the persona of his alter ego, a “campesino” or peasant farmer from the mountains of Antioquia, a home-grown yarn-spinner from Paisa tradition telling popular folktales of Colombia, and is the most recognized Colombian teller of popular tradition. He is the founder and director of the Vivapalabra Cultural Corporation and Storytelling School, and organizer of two important local and international storytelling festivals in Medellín.

Jota has been involved in theater since 1965 as actor, director and producer. He’s written several books and had numerous publications featured in cultural and artistic magazines around the Spanish-speaking world. He has performed at festivals in over 16 countries.



Debut performance from Jota Villaza

April 29, 2020 12:00 am