Clare spent almost 30 years as a journalist, much of that time as a health correspondent for the BBC. Major stories she broke included the Liverpool Children’s Hospital (Alder Hey) organ retention scandal which led to reforms in health services
around the world and Harold Shipman, one of the world’s most notorious serial killers.

The then University of Bolton awarded her an honorary fellowship in recognition of her “outstanding contribution to the media and to the community”.

She taught journalism at Bournemouth University then at Salford, creating a radically new media degree there and later being appointed senior lecturer in Multimedia Journalism at Teesside University.

In 2013 she was diagnosed with Asperger’s, a type of autism and since 2015 she has concentrated on voluntary work for local charities and campaigning for the rights of autistic people in Norfolk, England, where she now lives.

Her first poetry anthology, Outside Looking In, has just been published.


Book Launch Clare Smith’s Outside Looking In

Start time: March 13, 2022 6:00 pm GMT