Dawn’s parents calmed her down with Grimm stories at bedtime and they stayed with her. She has been performing, one way and another, ever since. In her 12 year career as an actor she experienced exciting phases of unemployment where she fleetingly became several other things, such as radio and TV producer, travel writer, explorer, bar tender, tour guide, voice artist and personal leadership coach. On the way she discovered that there was such a thing as storytelling, fell instantly in love, and realised that working with story encapsulates all of life and everything you ever need to know. So she tells stories in clubs, theatres, radio and festivals in UK and Europe and now on a screen near you. She takes myth and disruption into organisations and schools and loves bringing traditional stories to new audiences. She founded The Call of the Wild Twin and Storytelling HQ, and is resident Storyteller on a Greek island every summer but this one. She specialises in audio and also works as a voice artist and vocal coach. For the last few years she has been obsessed with the Nart Sagas and is delighted to be telling some of them here.


Dawn Ellis tells stories for children

Start time: May 31, 2024 6:00 pm GMT