Dawn Ellis has been a storyteller all her life – her years as actor, writer and broadcaster led her inevitably into Performance Storytelling.

Dawn is a gifted improvisor and compelling performer and likes to get under the skin of stories, finding humour and topical relevance in the familiar archetypes. Twelve years ago she fell in love with the mysterious canon of tales from the windswept plains and mysterious stone towers of the Caucasus, especially the Nart Sagas. She is currently in an exciting Arts Council-funded collaboration with virtuoso singers of Georgian polyphony, using music to bring to life the exploits of hot-headed heroes, shape-shifting sorceresses, weird births and talking horses – in theatres, festivals, museums and organisations.

Dawn works in Europe, the USA, Asia and Morocco, and in the UK with The Imaginarium, UWE, Pentameters, Bread and Roses, Cambridge University, SOAS, The Royal Geographical Society, as well as dozens of businesses. She is the annual Storyteller in Residence at Skyros Holidays in Greece. She often collaborates with musicians; in 2025 she will collaborate with Georgian ethno-musicologists to fuse Georgian and European myths and songs and work towards preserving the ancient storytelling traditions of the Caucasus.



Dawn Ellis tells stories for children

Start time: May 31, 2024 6:00 pm GMT