The author of more than 60 books, Tahir Shah is a best selling author and film maker. For the last twenty years he has lived in Casablanca at the famous historical mansion, Dar Khalifa, ‘The Caliph’s House’. Over the last two decades, he has written widely about Morocco, including ‘In Arabian Nights: Morocco Through Stories’. Tahir’s family have a long history as writers, savants, and story-tellers. His father was the celebrated Sufi writer and thinker, Idries Shah, who promoted Sufi ‘Teaching-Stories’ in the West, and who, in the 1960s, founded ‘The College of Storytelling’ in London. Tahir Shah is the founder of The Scheherazade Foundation, a charity that strives to champion stories and storytelling throughout the world.


Tahir Shah discusses his writing

Start time: January 20, 2025 11:00 am GMT