Soukaina Habiballah is a Moroccan poet and novelist. She has published four books of poetry, including [A Quarter Century of Sight] (2014), [There Is No Need for You] (2015), and [Five Wingless Butterflies] (2016), as well as a novel, [The Barracks] (2016), in addition to a short story collection [Maybe tomorrow] (2021). She was a recipient of the Buland al-Haidari prize for young poets, an Arab Fund for Arts and Culture grant, an al-Mawred al-Thaqafy grant, and the Nadeen Chamss Prize. In 2017, HabibAllah participated in a reading tour sponsored by the Turkish Ministry of Culture. In 2019, Soukaina HabibAllah attended the prestigious international Writing Program’s Fall Residency at the University of Iowa in the U.S.A. In 2022, Soukaina is doing a storytelling residency with the Institut Francais Casablanca, while teaching for the Olive Writers. Her poetry has been translated into French, English, German, Spanish, and Montenegrin.