I studied History and Journalism and I worked for many years in publishing houses. I have a Masters degree in Social & Cultural History from Leeds Beckett University, UK (MA of ARTS).
The last 10 years I combine storytelling with educational programs for children, in Museums, Cultural Centers, Schools, Art places, etc. I love working with children. I have also published two books, a Greek Myth and a tale of my own.
I come from a family that stories were our everyday breakfast, lunch and dinner! I have heard soooo many stories in my life and I have told some of them too. When I found out about storytelling I attended seminars, I went to listen to stories to festivals all over Europe and I followed storytellers all over Greece. I learned a lot about storytelling but it was then that I was certain that the seeds of storytelling were already inside me.
I love sharing stories and I love the way storytelling transform a group of different people into a small community sharing the same feelings, thoughts, troubles, difficulties and happy endings with the stories heroes. It is the same magical moments when the collective becomes our own.
They say that each person have a unique memory, its own memory, an internal memory, on the contrary animals and mother nature have a collective memory an external memory, that includes all places and all times. Both animals and plants share this memory. The only way to know our external memories are stories. Stories unite us with nature, they make as experience our external, old and wise memory, the memory of humankind. It is now more than ever that we need it!
You can find more about me in https://mariastoryteller.blogspot.com/ (Use the translation button otherwise it will all seem Greek to you)
August 9, 2020 6:00 pm