Fabio Lisboa is a Brazilian storyteller, speaker and award-winning writer, with a degree in Languages (Portuguese-English) from USP-University of São Paulo and a postgraduate degree in “The Art of Storytelling: Poetic, Literary and Performing Approaches.” English Teacher Storyteller and teacher trainer in many schools. Consulting specialist in Story Reading for Education Department in the City of São Paulo. Also a Storytelling Trainer who has performed and taught in Brazil, Argentina, Canada and United Arab Emirates in International Festivals as Boca do Céu (in Brazil), Sharjah Narrators Forum (in UAE), Toronto Storytelling Festival (in Canada). He writes at www.contarhistorias.com.br



When hungry - maybe hungry for dreams - you can look for a magic lamp or for an incredible tree with all the fruits in the world and you might find them in a journey to the Eastern World, Africa or South America. Or, no matter where you are, in a story you will certainly find some well-seasoned wishes!