Amal Ayouch is one of the leading figures on the Moroccan cultural scene, renowned for her demanding and committed artistic choices. Her career is rich in a wide variety of roles in national and international films.
Her theatrical career, which includes roles in Antigone, Romeo and Juliet and adaptations of works by Fatéma Mernissi, bears witness to her love of words and text. This passion for words can be found in her readings of both contemporary and Oriental poets, but she also passes it on through her commitment to associations and activism in defence of women’s rights: as patron of the “Solidarité Féminine” association, she collected the testimonies of single mothers, and rewrote them to give rise to a play “Violenscène”, followed by a book “A haute voix”. At the 16th Festival of Sufi Culture in Fes, she told the story “Joha, the power of humour”.